
If you want to connect at CrossPoint and you have already been attending our Sunday services, then joining a small group is the next step. A small group is not just a Bible study. They are small groups of people who meet in homes regularly for friendship, spiritual growth, and service. Bible study does happen, but relationships are what drive these groups. Each group is made up of anywhere between six and sixteen people and they are all unique.

If you want to serve, there are plenty of opportunities, and serving with others from CrossPoint is another great way to get connected. For more information on serving opportunities contact us!
First impressions
Worship team
Fuel Station
CP Kids
Youth Ministry
Public interaction
Adult Teaching
Event Setup
Cleaning & Maintenance

Workshops and classes are for those who want to grow deeper in their knowledge of God and His word.
They are also a great way to connect with others at CrossPoint Church in a fun and interactive environment.
We offer a variety of adult Sunday school classes. Reach out to info@crosspointwestallis.com to find our current offerings.

Tired of being tired?
Third Thursday Every Mo.
Moms of any age children: we invite you to join other moms for a time of encouragement.
Together we will discover how God's word can guide, direct, and encourage us as we learn how to apply it to our everyday lives as mothers.
Come...Join us the third Thursday of each month from September through May.
Questions? Contact:
Time in for Tots
Three-and-a-half-year old through pre-K children can participate in our TIME IN program directed by Miss Lynn—a retired 1st grade teacher. They will enjoy Bible stories, songs, and crafts.
Nursery is available for 3½ and under.